Reclassification Information

The process of position classification review is for the specific purpose of determining if an employee has gradually accrued and performed the duties of another classification over time. Questions regarding the level of compensation, title changes, workload or organizational structures are not part of the position review process and should first be addressed by reviewing your current position description with your supervisor to discuss and problem solve questions or concerns.

The Human Resource Services Division, The Administrators Association of San Diego, The Police Officers Association and all three Chapters of the California School Employees Association have created a joint labor-management Reclassification Committee. The Committee's role is to accept, review and make recommendations to the Superintendent for requests for classification review; the committee consists of one representative from each classified bargaining unit and equal number of District representatives.

Information about the Reclassification Process:

Letter to All Classified Employees, Managers, Supervisors and Site Administrators

Administrative Procedure 7540- Classification of Classified Staff Positions

Position Classification, "What's it All About?" 

Side Letter Reclassification Committee 2016

Forms for Employees: 

Request for Position Classification Review Form 

Request for Position Classification Review Appeal Form