Imc Libraries

IMC Curriculum Library

The IMC Curriculum Library is open to all San Diego Unified teachers to allow you to meet the needs of your classroom. Print materials are selected to align with district literacy efforts. The K-5 collection has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards. View the list of titles for your grade level by clicking on the appropriate link.
Common Core Classroom Libraries: These classroom libraries contain books that are leveled and match the grade's curriculum. Each grade contains approximately 100 titles in the set. These may be ordered through Destiny by typing Common Core Classroom in the search box.

Leveled Book Lists: Titles have been identified by level using Fountas & Pinnell. Each list contains approximately 60 books that are grouped by reading level. Order these by emailing Martha Karanopoulos at [email protected] and requesting the appropriate level.

IMC Multimedia Resources, K-12

The IMC multimedia collection provides instructional materials and equipment as resources for all San Diego Unified teachers. New items are purchased to align with the subject-area adoptions. The collection includes read-alongs, videos, dvd's, CDs, art and study prints, as well as exhibits.

Online ordering for IMC Circulation Library materials is available 24/7 at Please see the section Online Ordering from IMC Libraries for specific online ordering information.