(Optional as of August 2020)
New Title IX regulations took effect in August 2020. Previously, under District Policy, all sexual harassment reports required a written report/letter to be sent to all parties involved in the incident(s). With the new regulations, these reports/letters are no longer required, however, they may be used as an option if you so choose.
Refer to Restorative Discipline Policy for levels for supports
The following is a temple to use as a Safety Plan. The supportive measures included are from the above templates. Use this template if/when you need to document and/or the above templates are not appropriate for your situation.
San Ysidro Health is a great resource through which you can request lessons approved for secondary schools. Please contact Sarah Vaughn ([email protected]) for more information or to arrange for someone to come to your school to talk about sexual harassment.
Classroom Lessons
These lessons are designed for classroom groups. The Consent Lesson Plan and Slideshow is designed for elementary-level student, but can be used for secondary as well. The Sexual Harassment Lesson and Slideshow is designed for secondary students.
Videos on Consent
Customizable Slideshows
This slideshow combines the two classroom lessons (above) into one slideshow and takes out the classroom talk and group work. It includes two short YouTube videos on Sexual Harassment and Consent.
These PowerPoint slideshows can be customized for your site and audience. Use them in classrooms, small groups, or one-on-one as a lesson with the counselor.
These 8.5 x 11 posters were developed for posting in school libraries and restrooms as required by Assembly Bill 543 for grades 9-12. We recommend that these be posted in all classrooms and student meeting rooms as well.
For the lower grades, these posters are not required, but recommend they be posted in libraries, restrooms, classrooms, student meeting rooms, etc.
- Sexual Harassment Complaints-See the District’s main Sexual Harassment page for more information, procedures, and forms.
The STEPS program serves youth with sexually abusive and trauma reactive behavior. The Program goals are to reduce risk of further sexually abusive behavior, improve social skills, and promote community safety.
Student-to-student reports
- Contact the Title IX Office to report incident and to consult on next steps.
- Title IX Office must approve Supportive Measures
- Report to CPS, SDPD, and School Police (if appropriate).
- Contact parent/guardian to inform of allegation(s) and right to file formal complaint. Provide parent/guardian with Title IX Coordinator contact information. (Note: The Title IX Coordinator may file a formal complaint on behalf of a student even if the parent/guardian decides not to.)
Adult-to-student reports
- Contact the Title IX Office to report incident and to consult on next steps.
- Title IX Office must approve Supportive Measures.
- Call your Human Resources Officer.
- Report to CPS, SDPD, School Police (if appropriate)
- Contact parent/guardian to inform of allegation(s) and right to file formal complaint. Provide parent/guardian with Title IX Coordinator contact information. (Note: The Title IX Coordinator may file a formal complaint on behalf of a student even if the parent/guardian decides not to.)
Student-to-adult report
- Contact the Title IX Office to report incident and to consult on next steps.
- Title IX Office must approve Supportive Measures.
- Call your Human Resources Officer for the adult supports.
- Report to CPS, SDPD, School Police (if appropriate)
- Contact parent/guardian to inform of allegation(s) and right to file formal complaint.
- Provide adult responding party with Title IX Coordinator contact information.
Adult-to-adult report
- Contact the Title IX Office to report incident and to consult on next steps.
- Call your Human Resources Officer.
- Refer to AR 4119.11, BP 4119.11 (Sexual Harassment-Personnel) and AR 4030, BP 4030 (Nondiscrimination in Employment) for detailed procedures.