Internal Audit Report- ASB Principal's Discretionary Account

Email Sent on Thursday, September 8, 2016 8:42am from Jenny Salkeld, Chief Financial Officer


The attached Internal Audit report on the ASB principal discretionary accounts was issued in April 2016 with a recommendation that the CFO coordinate with schools to transfer the funds to the district's 96000 restricted resource. We are in the process of reviewing the schools that have a current balance on the QuickBooks ASB balance sheets. In order to facilitate the process, if the ASB account currently has a balance please send me a QuickBooks transaction ledger report for review. DeAndra Green will assist you with the transfer since a payment will need to be made and the check deposited to the district's 96000 resource. There should be no transactions posted to the ASB principal's discretionary account.

For your reference, the Internal Audit recommendation is noted on pages 2-3 of the attached report and my response is reflected in the appendix. I will also be sharing this information with your principals.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your assistance!

Attachment: Internal Audit Report: Review of the Principal's Discretionary Account at Selected Schools

Jenny Salkeld
Chief Financial Officer
San Diego Unified School District
4100 Normal Street, Room 3150
San Diego, CA 92103
Direct: 619.260.5443
Fax: 619.725.7692
[email protected]