ASB Consultant Forms/ICAs Communication

Email Sent on Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:28pm from Jenny Salkeld, Chief Financial Officer


As we shared during the ASB training sessions a few weeks ago, we need your assistance with the upcoming Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements related to the reporting of consultant payments. The Accounts Payable team is requesting that all pink copies of the ASB Consultant and Official Fee forms be submitted via mail by Friday, December 18, 2015 for all services rendered for calendar year 2015. The IRS mandates that the District issue 1099 forms to certain consultants no later than January 31. 2016. Late submission to the IRS is not acceptable and can potentially result in financial penalties to the District if this occurs.

Below are a few key considerations regarding the ASB forms:

  • The pink forms must be legible and complete.
  • The 9-digit social security numbers or Federal taxpayer IDs must be included.
  • The physical addresses must be included. The IRS does not permit post office boxes for these types of records.
  • The secretary or financial clerk's name and phone number need to be noted on each form.

We understand that some sites started to use the Independent Contractor Agreement (ICA) in 2015. Since this is a new procedure, the Accounts Payable team will be reviewing the QuickBooks check registers for your sites and will let you know if any additional information is required. Please ensure that no checks are issued with a date range between December 19 to 31, 2015 to consultants.

Please contact Tiffany Lilley, Accountant I, 619.725.7755 if you have any questions.

Thank you for your assistance in helping us meet the IRS requirements.

Jenny Salkeld
Chief Financial Officer
San Diego Unified School District
4100 Normal Street, Room 3249
San Diego, CA 92103
Direct: 619.260.5443
Fax: 619.725.7692

[email protected]