Landscape Services

Our team of landscape employees takes pride in teamwork and professionalism to keep the grounds of our buildings groomed, safe and inviting. Landscape Services is responsible for maintaining lawns, planter beds and trees at all district owned facilities, including monitoring plant growth for safety concerns. All projects involving community volunteers or donations must follow our "self-help" program in order to be approved. This includes performing a campus beautification project, installing a vegetable garden or other landscape-related modifications

Hourly Landscape Employment

Volunteer/Self-Help Projects

Work Order System (iService Desk)

Contact Information
Physical Plant Operations
4860 Ruffner Street
San Diego, CA 92111

858-627-7218 - Phone
858-627-7442 - Fax

Bryan Ehm
[email protected]

Maria  Dillard
Confidential Admin. Assistant II
[email protected]