Adaptations, accommodations and modifications within the existing general physical education program shall be documented before a child is referred to adapted physical education.
If a student who is eligible for special education under IDEA, is enrolled in general or specially designed physical education, and is not successful in the class, the following options exist:
The site team may hold a meeting to determine appropriate adaptations, accommodations, or modifications to attempt within the current physical education setting.
The classroom teacher or the physical education teacher, may independently, identify and implement various interventions in either a general or specially designed physical education setting.
The teacher or the site team may consult the adapted physical education teacher for suggested adaptations, accommodations or modifications that can be attempted.
After reasonable interventions have been attempted and documented, the site team may make a determination that a referral for adapted physical education assessment is appropriate in order to determine the individual's needs.
Contact your site Adapted Physical Education teacher to initiate the process.