Please review all program information as changes were made for the 2024-2025 school year.

August 12, 2024 – First Day of School
San Diego Unified School District offers a California State Preschool Program (Part-Day and Extended-Day) for 3 and 4-year old children who qualify. Family income must meet the State income ceiling guideline according to family size in order to qualify.
Families that do not income-qualify for the State-funded Preschool may be offered a seat at one of the School Readiness part-day programs at the following schools on space availability basis: Balboa, Clairemont Canyons*, Dingeman, Ericson, Jones, Kumeyaay, Miller, Normal Heights and Rodriguez.
*Clairemont Canyons has both a state preschool and a School Readiness classrooms.
While it is highly encouraged that children are fully potty-trained to attend preschool, it is not a requirement.
Eligibility for the State Preschool Program is determined by the following State factors:
- Age Requirements
- Students who are turning 3 years old by December 1st of the current school year may apply for the part-day preschool at 17 sites, or the extended-day program at Central Elementary.
- If your student turns 3 years old after December 1st of the current school year, please apply at the time the student turns 3 years old.
- Students who turn 4 years old by September 1st of the current school year may participate in Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK), part-day preschool, or the extended day preschool.
- Students who turn 4 years old after September 1st of the current school year may participate in a part-day preschool or extended-day preschool.
- Income The family's gross income must be within the income ceiling guideline to qualify.
- CPS/At Risk (Must provide letter/document from caseworker)
- Homeless (Must provide letter or referral from agency or self-declaration of situation)
- Part-Day Early Learning Program. This State Preschool program is available at 17 school sites in San Diego Unified School District to 3 and 4-year old children for 3 hours a day, Monday to Friday. You may select either an AM or PM session. Families must income-qualify and students must attend 5 days a week.
- Extended-Day Early Learning Program. This State Preschool program is available to 3 and 4-year old children for 6 hours a day, Monday to Friday, and this is offered at Central Elementary only. Families must income-qualify and students must attend 5 days a week.
- School Readiness Program. This district-funded preschool program is available to 3 and 4-year old children for 3 hours a day, & 4 days a week, for families who do not income-qualify for the State Preschool. This is offered at Balboa, Clairemont Canyons, Dingeman, Ericson, Jones, Kumeyaay, Miller, Normal Heights, and Rodriguez elementary schools. Students will only attend 4 days a week.
- Students are ranked by age and then resident school.
All required documents must be uploaded to the Online Scribbles Preschool Application in order to complete the enrollment process.
To learn more what documents you must submit, please visit the Early Learning Online Application Requirements webpage.
The list of Early Learning school sites including hours of operation, program offerings and map are available at the following links:
ECSE – Early Childhood Special Education
For Special Education inquiries including a request for assessment, please visit the San Diego Unified School District - Early Childhood Special Education Department’s website at Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Services.
Early Learning classrooms provide age and developmentally appropriate conditions for our youngest learners.
Learn more
The priority period for Early Learning online application was between June 3, 2024 and June 15, 2024. The application closed on June 16, 2024 and will reopen on July 15, 2024. Late applications will be processed on a date/time order received.
For the State Preschool program, family must complete a preschool application and income-qualify to be offered a seat.
Families that complete the preschool application but do not income-qualify may be offered a seat at one of the School Readiness part-day program at the schools listed below on space availability basis.
- Balboa
- Clairemont Canyons
- Dingeman
- Ericson
- Jones
- Kumeyaay
- Miller
- Normal Heights
- Rodriguez
Acceptance into the State Preschool Program is confirmed through Notice of Action (NOA) sent to parents/guardian via email within 30 days.
If you received a Notice of Action but are no longer interested (e.g., relocation, private school, etc.), please notify our office via email at [email protected].
Families that are accepted into the School Readiness Program will receive an Acceptance/Welcome Letter.
Phone: (619) 260-2410
Email: [email protected]
Hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.