Opportunity for parents, community to recognize individuals who contribute to Special Education
The Special Education Above and Beyond Awards presented by the Community Advisory Committee for Special Education is an opportunity for parents, staff and the community to recognize individuals who have contributed above and beyond the usual expectations in the area of Special Education. Please consider submitting a nomination.
A nominee is an individual who has been exemplary in his/her commitment to improve educational outcomes of students with disabilities. He/she may be a:
- Person employed by the school district in any position
- Student
- Family Member (e.g., parent, guardian, grandparent, etc.)
- Community Member
You may nominate more than one person. Forms are available on the Special Education website. A separate form must be used for each nomination. Forms may be submitted in any of the following ways:
Send by e-mail to [email protected]
Send via interdepartmental mail to: “Department of Special Education, Education Center, Annex 6A, Attention: CAC/Above & Beyond”
Submit at a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting.
Nominations are being accepted through March 29 at 5 p.m.
Honorees will be recognized at a celebration scheduled for: May 16, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Education Center Auditorium (4100 Normal St., 92103).