Whom do you provide service for?
Printing Services supports the entire San Diego Unified School District. This includes all central office departments, all school sites and all school site associations, (PTA, ASB's etc.)
How do we pay for services?
We operate under a budget allocation/chargeback system where customers will provide Printing Services with a budget number to bill the services against. At the end of the month all work completed in that month is sent to Accts Payable for budget transfer. In other cases, a site or organization will pay by check. This check is made out to SDUSD, and sent to the cashier's office with an invoice.
Can we have anything copied/printed?
Not everything can be duplicated. Most "shared" documents and documents created by the end user are fine. The duplication/printing of copyrighted materials must adhere to the guidelines set forth in Administrative Procedure 7038.
How fast can we get our copies back?
In most cases copying should be ready within a 3 day period, printing between 5 to 10 days. Depending on the complexity and volume of materials involved, time may be minimized for smaller jobs and lengthened for larger ones.