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Pesticide Use Notification Request

Parents/guardians/staff may request prior notification of individual pesticide applications at their site. Those listed on this registry will be notified at least 72 hours before pesticides are applied. In an emergency that requires spraying of pesticides, the site will be notified and signs will be posted; however, those listed on the registry will not be notified.

For more information, see About Pesticide Use Notification or visit the main Integrated Pest Management page.

Please complete the optional form below to be included on the notification registry.

Pesticide Use Notification Request

(Name of school site or department.)

(Include first and last name of student currently attending site indicated above. For multiple students at the same site, please separate with a comma.)



Example: 1234 University Ave.

Example: Apt or bldg #, floor, etc.

2 digit state abbreviation

5 digit zip code


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